Taking Jesus at His Word
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 28:16–20
In this sermon on Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus reminds His disciples of His authority and power. He calls them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all He has commanded. Jesus assures them that He will be with them always.
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The Lawlessness of Anger
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:21–26
In this sermon on Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus reveals that the lawlessness of anger is just as serious as murder, and calls His followers to be reconciled with others and strive for unity.
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The Demands of Discipleship
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:17-20
In this sermon, Jesus emphasizes the importance of obeying the law and the demands of discipleship. He challenges his followers to exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees and reminds them that he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. He also highlights the significance of teaching others to obey God’s commands.
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The Certainty of Discipleship
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:13-16
In this sermon on Matthew chapter 5, the speaker discusses the certainty of discipleship and the identity of a true disciple. The sermon emphasizes the importance of living out one’s identity in Christ and shining the light of Christ to others.
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Drastic Change
Chad Cronin |
Philippians 2:12-18
In this sermon on Philippians 2:12-18, the speaker emphasizes the importance of living with fear and trembling before God and trusting Him in all things. He encourages the church to be agents of spiritual change and to shine as lights in the world. The sermon also emphasizes the need for Christians to live as living sacrifices and find joy in obedience, even in difficult circumstances.
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Truth and Love
Chad Cronin |
2 John
In this sermon, John emphasizes the importance of staying faithful to the truth and love of the Gospel. He warns against false teachings and encourages believers to protect and preserve the Gospel message. The joy and fellowship that comes from abiding in the truth and love of Christ is something worth guarding and sharing with others.
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Blessed: The Peacemakers
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:9-12
In this sermon on Matthew chapter 5, verses 9 through 12, we are reminded of Jesus’ call to make peace and to be prepared for the joys of suffering as we follow Him.
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Blessed: The Pure in Heart
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:8
In this sermon on Matthew 5:8, we discuss the importance of having a pure heart and the consequences of an impure heart. Jesus, as the God-man, is the only one who can purify our hearts and bring us into the presence of God. Through faith in Him, we can experience the joy and peace of being near to God and strive to live a life of purity.
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God’s Accepting Love
Mark Beaird |
Romans 5:6-8
In this sermon on Romans chapter 5, verses 6 through 8, we discuss God’s accepting love. God’s love is not conditional on our worthiness or righteousness. Instead, his love is demonstrated in his willingness to reach out to us even while we are sinful and without redeeming value. He loves us out of grace, and through his faithfulness, calls us towards himself.
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Blessed: The Merciful
Chad Cronin |
Matthew 5:7
In this sermon on Matthew 5:7, we discuss the importance of showing mercy to others, even our enemies, as Jesus did for us.
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