God’s Great Supply Chad Cronin | 1 Kings 17
In this sermon on 1 Kings 17, we discuss the importance of having the right posture to receive God’s provision and supply. We explore how the Israelites’ self-induced spiritual famine and drought can serve as a lesson for us today. We also learn from the examples of Elijah and a poor widow, who both trusted God as their supplier. Go to Sermon
When All Is Lost Chad Cronin | Revelation 21:1-4
In this sermon on Revelation 21, the speaker encourages the congregation to look forward to the new heaven and the new earth that God has prepared. He emphasizes the need to not cling to the comforts and securities of this world, but to live with hope and joy in the promise of a greater future with God. The sermon also calls believers to shine the light of Christ and share the gospel in times of crisis and uncertainty. Go to Sermon
The Pathways of Discipleship Chad Cronin | Matthew 10:3
In this sermon on John 14:1-6, Jesus comforts his troubled disciples and asserts his equality with God the Father. He challenges them to trust in him even when they don’t fully understand, and encourages them to continue doing the works of the kingdom. Go to Sermon
Sons of Thunder Chad Cronin | Matthew 10:2
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of having a God-given disposition as disciples of Christ. It is not enough to outwardly obey, but our inward disposition must align with our actions. The sermon focuses on the requirements of discipleship, including suffering, servitude, and love. Go to Sermon
The Call of Discipleship Chad Cronin | Matthew 10:1-2
In this sermon on Matthew 10, we discuss the call of discipleship and the need for great faith and courage to follow Jesus. It reminds us that we are imperfect, but Jesus equips us and empowers us for the journey. The sermon also highlights the importance of faithful and steady discipleship, even if it seems small and unnoticed. Go to Sermon
May The Lord Keep You Bill Klein | Jude 1:24-25
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the different levels of communication and emphasizes the importance of sharing spiritual truths with one another. The main point is that God’s keeping power is what allows us to remain faithful followers of Jesus, even when we face challenges and doubts. Go to Sermon
The Great Need Chad Cronin | Matthew 9:35-38
In this sermon on Matthew 9:35-38, we discuss the unique and effective nature of Jesus, the compassion He has for the crowds, and the importance of prayer and laboring for the harvest. Go to Sermon
Trust the Lord In and Out of Season Chase Comeaux | Matthew 9:14-17
In this sermon, we learn about the different seasons of the Christian life: feasting and fasting. The pastor encourages us to embrace and enjoy the seasons that God leads us into, whether it be a time of celebration and rejoicing or a time of mourning and seeking God’s presence. He reminds us that Jesus is our defender and will always be with us in every season. He also emphasizes the importance of trusting Jesus and His timing, as He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Go to Sermon
When Jesus Calls Chad Cronin | Matthew 9:9-13
In this sermon, we learn that Jesus calls unlikely followers to himself and expects a response from us. He desires for us to respond to his call with intimate companionship and obedience. We are reminded that the gospel is a call to discipleship and that our discipleship should reflect the love and compassion of God for sinners. Go to Sermon
Who Is Jesus? Chad Cronin | Matthew 9:1-8
In this sermon, we explore the story of Jesus healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins. The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus as the Son of God and the only one who can save us from our sins. It also highlights the significance of Jesus’ power to heal both physical and spiritual ailments. Go to Sermon