If Not For Grace Chad Cronin | Matthew 26:69-75
In this sermon on Matthew 26, we see how Peter denied Jesus three times and experienced the grace of God. We are reminded that our strength is insufficient and we must rely on the power and presence of Christ to sustain us. Go to Sermon
Pray! Chase Comeaux | Matthew 26:36-46
In this sermon on Matthew 26, we explore Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane and the importance of truth, trust, and tenacity in prayer. Go to Sermon
Baptism Chad Cronin | Acts 2:36-41
In this sermon on Acts 2:36-41, Peter preaches about the importance of genuine conviction, repentance, and baptism in experiencing the miracle of salvation. Go to Sermon
Laboring for The Lord Chad Cronin | Matthew 25:14-30
In this sermon on the parable of the talents, we are reminded of the importance of laboring for the Lord and using our gifts for His kingdom. Go to Sermon
Be Ready! Chad Cronin | Matthew 24:32-51
In this sermon on Matthew 24, we are reminded of the imminent return of Jesus and the need to be prepared and ready for His coming. We are encouraged to prioritize our lives in light of eternity and to live with loose ties to the things of this world. Self-denial and evangelism are highlighted as important responses to the Gospel. Go to Sermon
Unavoidable Tribulation Chad Cronin | Matthew 24:15-31
In this sermon on Matthew 24:15-31, the speaker discusses the topic of unavoidable tribulation and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for it. He warns against being deceived by false prophets and encourages believers to be patient and steadfast as they wait for the return of Christ. Go to Sermon
The Beginning of The End Chad Cronin | Matthew 24:1-14
In this sermon on Matthew 24:1-14, Pastor discusses the beginning of the end times and encourages listeners to be prepared and faithful. He reminds them to guard against being led astray and to not fear the unrest in the world. The sermon emphasizes the importance of staying in the truth of Christ and enduring until the end. Go to Sermon
Save Us! Chad Cronin | Psalm 12
In this sermon on Psalm 12, the psalmist cries out to God for salvation from the godlessness and wickedness he sees in the world. He longs for the presence of godliness and is sensitive to the dangers of living amongst ungodliness. He finds comfort in knowing that God is a Savior who desires to save and will save those who cry out to Him. The sermon encourages believers to trust in the character of God and to sing God’s Word as a weapon against darkness. Go to Sermon
The Escape from Ungodliness Chase Comeaux | Matthew 23:13-33
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the dangers of hypocrisy and the need for true repentance and a transformed heart. Go to Sermon
The Pursuit of Godliness Chad Cronin | Matthew 23:1-12
In this sermon on Matthew 23, Jesus warns against following the example of the Pharisees in pursuing godliness for the sake of appearances rather than genuine transformation of the heart. Go to Sermon