I want to thank God for bringing us together this morning. It is His grace and His mercies. I just thank God for what He has done in the past. I didn’t know that, like He said, 12 years later or about 30 years later, we will be here in a different state together worshiping. But that is what God can do. So I’m very grateful to God for this opportunity to share His Word with you. It’s the Word of God. And I’m trusting that I’ll be the channel to deliver what God has for His church this morning. So I thank Him. And I also want to thank your pastor, Chad, and also the elders and the supporting members, you. Because if you are not here, I’ll just be speaking to the church. But because you are here, I can speak the Word of God to you. So I’m grateful to God for your life that you made it this morning to hear the Word of God. Amen. The Word of God is our anchor. So I thank God for bringing us. And I also want to thank my wife. We’ve been here since Friday. And then my two little girls for accompanying me on this journey. It’s a mission God has called us on. I believe that once God sends you, you have to go. We don’t know how God does His things. But God has ordained this day in His time that we should meet. She agreed that we should embark on this journey. My two girls were also like, okay, let’s go, Daddy. So here we are to share the Word of God with you. We pray that the purpose and the plan of God for our lives this day will be established so that God will be given the praise. Amen. So may we please bow down and head in prayer.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I want to thank you for this very morning, the opportunity to speak your Word, and the grace to hear it, and the blessings to profit thereof. So we say, have your way this morning among us, and let your name alone be glorified. Let the self be removed, so that you, O God, will be enthroned. And as you tap knuckle among us, we will live to declare that indeed you have been with us. You are with us and will be with us. We thank you for an answered prayer. In Jesus’ name we have prayed. Amen. Amen. So I want to thank God for your life, and also for what he has done. So, I like to sing.

This song was not on the list, but I was standing there as Elena was ministering, and she was singing this song for me. And to Elder, thank you also for that leading. Thank you, Elder. Let me close this for her. So, as you were ministering, this song keeps ringing, and I just want to see if I can sing it. It’s a simple song, so I hope you can follow me with it. It’s a great are you, Lord. It’s a great are you, Lord. It’s just this. It’s like, great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. That’s all the song. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Can we take that again? He’s great in what he does. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Oh, great are you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you all for the choir. That’s mass choir. Well, thank you for the singing. It’s mass choir, so we thank you, and I want to thank you for the participation. He’s great. Our God is indeed great, great in what He does. Amen. And I like your central. It’s very beautiful, and I’m very grateful to be here. So, let’s get into the Word of God. I want to speak on a theme. Your God is able. What? Your God is able Amen So the way that God lays on my heart As we were preparing to come I was asking God Lord what would you want me to share with your people That’s the message that God gave me Your God is able I don’t know how many of us are yet doubting The Lord that we serve I don’t know how many of us here Are wondering whether we are at the right place Whether what we are doing Is the right thing Or whether we are questioning whether God is with us or not But God wants me to share with you That he is able There is absolutely nothing That he cannot do And I want you to know So this morning if you hear nothing from me Or if you have gotten everything I want you to take this home with you That your God is able Just take that When we look at Daniel chapter 3 The verse 16 and 17 Daniel 3 16 And if we get it projected for us One thing that we can learn about These three gentlemen That we can see Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego We will not go through the story Because of our time But I believe that we have heard the story before But these three gentlemen Got to the point That they know That their God is able No matter what anyone says Whether you are the Pope Whether you are the President These three gentlemen Are so convinced That in the face of affairs In instances Where there is no hope They know one thing And one thing only That their God is able So when we continue to read He said, O King We have no need to answer you in this matter I don’t know what matter is going on Or what situation you are wrestling with But they said, King We have no need to answer you Concerning what is going on here One thing that we know Let’s read it So that our faith will be as it said If this be so Our God whom we serve Is able to deliver us So let me just pause there Before we finish the reading Hello So if nothing this morning I want to ask you to go home No matter what is happening No matter what is going on Know that my God Your God Our God Is what?

That’s what I want to take with you This will take you through the storm This will take you through the fire This will take you through life circumstances And everything that comes your way That you know Nobody can convince you otherwise We have some few reading the scriptures That will solidify this case But you should know Without any outer of doubt When you walk from your bed You walk from sleep You say, I know my God is here I know my God can do it Hallelujah So these people in the life of a challenge They said Let’s take it again If this be so Our God whom we serve Is able to deliver us From the burning And he will deliver us Out of your hand O King Let’s take the verse Thank you But if not Be it known to you O King That we will not serve your gods Or worship the golden image That you have set up Amen So let it be known We know And we are convinced That our God is able But even if he doesn’t show up When we want him to show up We are not going to bow out We are not going to give up on our faith So that is one thing That I want you to Get and have it as the belt The men will wear the belt The women not But something that hooks you up That binds you Keep you going So that you don’t drop stuff So you don’t drop yourself Right? Get it under your belt Let it Strap that on you Like a jacket That your God is able Amen So We know That our God is able We know he can do it But even if he doesn’t show up When we wanted him to We are not going to change our mind We are not going to bow to any God That is the confidence that I want us to have In our God That is the confidence Not only is our God able But our God knows Our God does what He knows Our God knows all that is going on We don’t have to tell him We tell him When we come to prayer before God It’s an expression of our faith So when we come to God and we pray We are telling God that we know We trust that you can do it That’s why we have come to you So prayer is an expression of faith In our God It’s not like we are now going to wake him up Oh Papa, Daddy, Daddy Wake up No Our God is all knowing He’s watching His eyes upon us But would you trust Daddy And go to that Even though you know that it’s away That Daddy, I would like some hamburger That is on the stove That is trust that our children have in us When they come to us Even though they can take that what’s there But they come to us That is trust So would you trust your God That what is going on You can commit it into his hands To handle it for you Or would you trust your God Or would you take it into your own hands And say I want to deal with this situation So prayer When we get to God Is trusting God That we know you can do it I know you can do it So here I am, do it Jesus came Jesus died So that We don’t have to do the work That we could not do Even in the first place We tried Through other scriptures They did what they could Tried to get a hold of God But they couldn’t And he said Emmanuel God now has to come and be with what? Man So we say Emmanuel God with us So God has to come down To help us in our weakness God has to come down To deliver us From the things that we couldn’t deliver ourselves The chains and the bandage of sin

So if he has done it Why don’t we just go to him And trust that he’s able to do it Trust him He said I know you can do it I know you are able So help me Hold my hands and get me through If we have that trust in him He will never fail us He won’t fail us We just have to trust that our God Know that our God is able And know that our God is able to do it Our God is all knowing Hallelujah Our God is what? All knowing No matter what goes on He knows He knows our strength He knows our weakness He knows our struggles He knows everything that is going on With us If he knows He can do something about it But the thing is Whether we’re going to trust him So that when we do it We can give him the glory Right? Because he won’t share his glory with anybody We can only participate in the glory So he won’t share the glory with anybody He’s a jealous God He wants to be He said I am the Lord The God of all flesh And he wants to be recognized as such So that the honor will be given to him So he knows And he can do it So that the glory will be given to him So he knows what is going on So when we go to God in prayer And he does it Then we say thank you Lord That is the glory be given to what? God Instead of giving Say oh It was because I have done this It was because I have done that Then we miss the glory So when we go to God in prayer We know that we are asking him We are seeking him About this So when he does it We say thank you Lord So the glory is given to him He receives the glory And that’s one of the reasons of prayer So we know that he’s able To give to him We know that he’s able The fact that he knows all that is going on That doesn’t mean we should just sit there But when we get up And approach him That’s when he does it And the glory belongs to him Are you with me church? So your God is able Don’t think that Whatever is going on in your life Whatever is going on in your family God is not aware He is aware He knows He knows

And And And And one thing Sometimes Our emotions can get us But Jesus Very much is aware of your emotions Jesus Is very aware of your anxieties Even to a point So you get depressed Jesus is aware You see that’s why he became human That is why he came in the flesh So that he can experience The things that you experience So when you go to God in prayer He knows exactly what is going on with you

It’s not like he’s separated He’s been on earth before He suffered rejection He suffered pain He suffered hunger So even when you are hungry He knows you are hungry So he’s not separated from all that is going on in our lives But would we get close Would we know that he knows what is going on So that we can trust him And say help me That’s where we have to get to That you know your God is able You know your God knows what is going on And you can also understand Brother Rich Would you take us to Hebrews chapter 4 The verse 15

And then we’ll read the 16 also For we do not have a high priest Who is unable to sympathize With our weaknesses But one who in every respect Has been tempted as we are Yet without sin So we have somebody That is able to bear with us In our weakness Because he’s been there

He was rejected So when we are rejected in a way And we come to him He knows how that feels So Jesus Christ is not unaware of your feelings Sometimes when you cross the road You cry Without anybody knowing it He knows it Because he also wept He’s been there before So he had experience That you are going through But all you have to do is do it what Trust That your God is able So when you know that your God is able You know that everything that is going on with you He knows it And he can feel it Just as you can feel it Can feel it The next thing you have to know Is that your God is all powerful There is absolutely nothing That your God cannot do He’s all powerful He knows it Some people knows it But they can’t do anything about it You can go and tell your friend your story Oh, my brother, my sister This is what is going on They can only say Oh man, I wish I can help But they are limited in what they can do Oh, your struggle, this pain Man But they can’t do anything about it Some people can do something about it But are they willing to do it? That’s the question So some people have the ability But the willingness to do it is not there But your God and my God is both willing And is able Hallelujah That is a blessing Because some people can be willing to help But the ability, the means Is not there So they can only cry with you And some people too are able But they are not willing to do it But our God is both willing and able Hallelujah He knows what is going on And he is able to do it This is why we have to have the confidence in him This is why we don’t have to let anything move us Providence Church Your God can provide Your God can provide It doesn’t matter where you find yourself It doesn’t matter the challenge So 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 The verse 58

1 Corinthians 15 58

I want to encourage you that the God that we serve Is a mighty good God Is a mighty good God 1 Corinthians 15 58 1 Corinthians 15 58 He said therefore my beloved brothers The NIV version we said My beloved brothers and sisters Because we don’t have only brothers here Let’s not go into that We are here for Christ So let’s not go into that Amen And our pastor Let’s not go into that Amen Amen Amen Amen Hallelujah He said therefore my beloved brothers Be steadfast Immovable Always abounding in the work of the Lord Knowing that in the Lord Your labor is not in vain Hallelujah So he said Let nothing move you Be steadfast In the end I will say Therefore my brothers and sisters Stand firm So I want to encourage you this morning You know your God is able you know your God knows all things you know that your God is powerful to do whatever he wants to do now as a church, as a believer you want to stand firm and let nothing move you, he said stand firm let nothing do what? move you, it means that there are things that can move you, is that alright? if somebody said let nothing move you, it means there are things that can move you is that the right analogy? because I’m telling you that hey stand firm, that means that if you don’t take time you can fall, so he said let nothing move you, stand firm and don’t let anything push you, that means that there are things that can push you that means there are things that can move you from where you are so in Christ that we found ourselves we shouldn’t let anything, not even death move us, because death can move us sicknesses can move us, pain and sorrow can move us rejection can move us, disappointment can move us, even childlessness, barrenness can move us there are things in this life that can move us but Paul will say that he has gotten to the point in Romans chapter 8, 37 he said that we know this, that not even death, not even trouble, not even tribulations can separate us from the love of what? Christ, thank you brother, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in our creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord so there are things in this life there are issues of life that can move us from the faith but we know our God is able we know our God knows what is going on he is not unaware of what we are going through we also know that our God is powerful so now what we have to do is to stand firm and don’t let anything move us not even height, not even depth not anything in our creation to move us from this love of God I want to encourage you, hold on to Christ hold on to Christ hold on to Christ hold on to Christ hold on to Christ hold on to what? Jesus Christ we have gotten a treasure when you look at the Bible the man said a man has found a treasure and he sold everything that he has to get a hold of that treasure, so he found the gold, let’s say he found the gold in this land and realize that with the amount of gold thanks for your mapping skills right so he mapped the area here this building and found out that there are gold in this land and guess what, he said wife, honey look, and then is it Emma? Bella, Bella, he said honey and Bella this church building if we buy it, we are rich for the rest of our life so they went and sold all their properties all their cars, and said like make a down payment to get access to this building, because they found out that there is gold in this land are you getting the story? brother Chase brother Chase, he said he discovered through his technology that there are a bunch of gold in this soil, under this building and went home and told honey, honey, we found something Bella, you are on board we have to get this building we have to buy this building no matter how, what we are going to do let’s sell our cars, let’s sell everything and get a hold of this land so they sold everything that he has make a purchase, make a bargain how much will you sell this building, one million, we will go for it and they bought this land, they bought this building and their purpose is to get to the gold that is under the soil what am I talking about? if you have found a treasure the Bible said a man found a treasure and he sold everything that he has in the land so that he could get that treasure so you and I, we have found Jesus we have to let go of everything sold everything that we have to lay a hold of this Jesus no matter how much it will cost us because we know that with Jesus we have everything we know that with Jesus there is nothing that can move us we know that with Jesus we can ride through the storm whether through the fire with Jesus, we have it so we don’t want anything to stop us amen we don’t want anything to restrain us so they will sell everything we will give everything up to just have a hold of what? Jesus thank God that this morning you and I have Jesus thank God it’s a blessing to have Jesus do not let anything move you do not let anything shake you from this Jesus that you have not even life not even death not even marriage they say we know that our God can save us but look, if he doesn’t save us from you we will never bow to any other God so I want you to go with this assurance in life your God is able he can deliver you from this life he can deliver you he can save you but even if he doesn’t come through do not give up on this faith in Jesus do not give up this faith on Jesus hold on to Jesus he will come through for you if it seems to be long he won’t fail he never fails there is a song that says he will never never fail he will never ever fail he will never ever fail he is the same forevermore Jesus is the same forevermore sometimes we want him to come through for us now but he’s coming tomorrow he knows what he’s doing so this treasure that you have found this Jesus that you have found hold on to him no matter what and I want us to read the scripture in Matthew chapter 11 when Jesus came on the scene Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 and then we are going to pray

one of the things God promised to do for us this morning is to give us rest is to give us rest and it is my prayer that wherever we need a rest in our life

he will give us one thing is rest the second thing is giving us making us rest fruitful filling us with his spirit so that we can do the work that he sent trusting into our hands today God by his word is telling me that he’s going to give us rest I don’t know which area we need rest whether rest in our body from illnesses and sicknesses or some bad issues today by God’s word he said he’s going to give us rest rest from our children rest from our family rest from our career rest from our family sometimes we just struggle with our career but God is going to give us rest maybe rest on the job because you’ve been struggling so much on this job God wants to give you rest one of the things God told me is that he will grant us rest and that was the scripture that God gave me today I want you to believe your God is able he can do it he knows exactly what is going on which area of your life you need the rest in and he’s going to give you the rest you just got to believe it God will give you rest with your children maybe you’ll be bumping heads with your children for too long God is able to give you rest maybe your marriage you don’t even know what to do you pick this you drop it you pick this all over the place God is going to give you rest you just have to believe it rest even in our career and ministry he said come to me are we not with Jesus hallelujah this morning we came to what Jesus this is Jesus speaking he said come to me are you not in the presence are you not in the presence haven’t you come to Jesus hallelujah oh we have made the first step we left our homes hallelujah we left our homes and today we are just with him the Bible says where two or three are gathered in his name there he is he is here he said come to me hallelujah we are in this morning in his presence come to me all you who are labor all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest I will give you rest this morning we are in his presence this morning it is my prayer that God will grant us rest in every area of our life wherever we need rest may God grant us rest in the name of Jesus amen may God give us rest rest from every challenge every area rest for our body rest for our life rest for our family may God give us rest and he said continue he said take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your soul so when we come to Jesus he give us rest and that is our portion in life so we have to recognize that Jesus this is what is going on I need rest in my body amen anything that you are dealing with as you come to Jesus he can give you rest acknowledge his supremacy in your life and say Lord I need rest in this area in a little bit I want to give you a chance to pray to talk to God this is what God is telling us this morning I want you to trust and believe it

God said he is giving us rest Providence Church you know which area you need rest so you are going to ask God to say Lord I need rest in this area so give me the rest that I need and God will give you that testimony the second is take my yoke take my yoke upon you take my yoke he said take my yoke and learn from me and you will find rest for us so rest for our soul comes from engaging in ministry when I use the word ministry it is kind of a little bit confusing for some people but Jesus Christ told the disciples in John chapter 20 verse 21 he said as the father has sent me so I am sending you and the Bible says he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit so what he came to do he said trust in me in the same way to the disciples so for us to find rest for our soul there is rest for our body but for the rest for our soul we have to take on the yoke that he carries that is the work of the ministry that is the great commission that is bringing others to him that is his yoke his yoke that he was carrying the burden that he was carrying when he was on earth is to bring mankind closer to God he was reconciling the Bible and God was in Jesus reconciling the world to himself so all that Jesus was doing is to bring mankind to God and Jesus is saying that if you want to find rest for your soul what you have to do is to take my yoke upon you take my burden take the work that I have been doing that’s why he said as the father has sent me so I am also sending you so I’m also giving you the same assignment that the father has given me the yoke get it. So, as we have come to him, we have rest. But then we also have to take the yoke and get to the wall and bring others. That is the message. If we do that, then we can find rest for our what? Soul. So, you can find rest for your body. You can find rest in this life. But for the rest for your soul, you need to engage in active ministry. Amen. Active ministry is reaching out to your neighbor and say, Jesus loves you. Jesus can do it. Jesus knows what is going on in your life. Jesus is able to do it. And Jesus is powerful enough. So, no matter what, come to Jesus. Hallelujah. So, we have it. And he also make the way possible for us to do what? To do this work. When he came, in the verse that we have read in Acts chapter 10, the verse 30, he said, see how God anointed him with the Holy Spirit with power that he went about doing good. So, when he gave the assignment to the disciples, the Bible says he breathed on them. And he said what? Receive the Holy Spirit. It is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can do the work of God. The Holy Spirit empowers us. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength that we need to do the work that he sent trusting to our hands. So, in John 7, he said, come to me. All, come to me. All you who are thirsty.

And I’ll give you drink. He stood and cried out, if anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and I’ll give him drink. And when you continue the 30 years, he said he was talking about the Spirit which later they will receive. And then he told them, for this assignment, don’t leave Jerusalem. Wait until the promise comes. Then you can go. People of God, we can bring others to Christ. We can take the yoke of Christ. But without the help of the Holy Spirit, we’ll be frustrated. You’ll be frustrated going to tell somebody about Jesus Christ. Bringing them to Christ without the help of the Holy Spirit. So, the formula he was giving to them, he said, do not go. You start from Samaria, you go to Judea and the rest of the world, but do not go. Until you are endued with power. Until the Holy Spirit gives you the enablement, do not go. So, in covering the yoke of Jesus Christ, we need help. He got help. He got help to do the work whilst he was on earth. Why don’t you think we can do it any other way? No. The Bible said the heavens was opened when he got out of the water and the Spirit descended upon him in the form of and God testified. He was accredited by God with signs and wonders. So, carrying the yoke, doing the same thing that he has done to give us rest for our body, we have to also follow the same formula. The same principle. That is asking help from the Holy Spirit. That’s why I say I’m not leaving you helpless. I’m not leaving you as orphans. I’m not leaving you as somebody without a father, without a mother. He will come to you. And the Holy Spirit is here. So, we’re going to pray briefly. We’re going to pray briefly.

Your God is able.

He said, come to me and you are here before Jesus. I said, bow down your head. He said, Jesus, I am here. Grant me rest. Even if it is not rest in you, but the rest in your children. You want to pray for your children also. He said, I pray that God will grant you rest. If you are sick, you are dealing with any sickness in your body. Jesus, your God is able.

Your God is able.

Your God is able. He knows exactly what is going on so you want to talk to him. If it is your children, commit to your children. If it is your children, commit to your children. your husband, commit to your husband and say, Jesus, I know you can take care of this. If it is your wife, say, Jesus, I know you can take care of this. If it is your job, say, Jesus, I know you can do it. Rest in every area of unrest.

Sickness is pain in the body. He’s more than able. He can heal. That is your God. He said, come to me and today, this morning, you are in his presence. Just talk to him and say, Lord, rest. Rest even in my ministry. Rest in my work with you. I struggle to please you. I know the things I’m supposed to do, but I struggle to walk, to be in line with you. I can’t do your will, but I said, Lord, grant me rest in my work with you. Grant me rest in my career. Rest in my job. Rest in my relationship with my children. He can do it. Just talk to him. Lord Jesus, we are here in your presence. Grant us rest. Rest in every area of our lives. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. And let your spirit overflow. In a dry land, oh God, we want to take your yoke, but we need your help. So fill us with your spirit. Let our caps run over. In the name of Jesus.

Just tell him, I want you to talk to God. He can hear you.

Jesus, he said, say, come to me. He will give you that rest in your body. He will give you that rest in your family. He will give you rest on that job. God is more than able to do it. He has the power and he knows it. He knows what you’re talking about. He knows what you’re weeping about. He knows and he sees those tears. He’s the only one that can wipe them. Oh, Heavenly Father, we are before you. Our children are before you. Our homes, our marriages are before you. Our careers are before you, oh God. Our community is before you. Grant us rest on every side so that we will continue to praise you. Rest in every area of our body healing. Let the healing arise. In the name of Jesus, he said, healing is a children’s bread. If there’s any unrest in our body because of illness, because of sickness, because of disease, I pray, oh God, that you grant us rest this morning in the name of Jesus and precious Holy Spirit. Your people are before you. We can’t take the yoke and carry it without your spirit. So, Holy Spirit, your people are before you. Fall afresh on us. Fall afresh on us. Fill every valley in the name of Jesus. Fall afresh on us. Fall afresh on us. Cause us to have an encounter with you, oh God. Reveal yourself to us in a unique way. In the mighty name of Jesus, let the rivers of living water overflow in the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus.


Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus. Oh, you are before the I am. You are standing and you are sitting before the I am. He is working. He is moving among us. Some of you can feel it. God is among us. His presence is with us. He is here. The master is here.

He can give you that rest. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. We give you praise for the peace. Peace like a river flowing every area of our lives. Peace beyond description in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you. Even for our families that are not here, may they testify of this hour, right now, that they are receiving rest. My God, rest. In this struggle, wherever they are right now, oh God, may they testify of this hour, in the name of Jesus. Let the struggle be over, in the mighty name of Jesus. Let that tears, oh God, be wiped away, in the name of Jesus. May those doubts, oh God, be rolled away, in the name of Jesus. Father, grant Providence Church your rest, that you promise us. We have come, we have come. Daddy, we have come, and we are in your presence. So grant us rest, in every area, in the name of Jesus. And we pray, precious Holy Spirit, we are before you. So, help us to do your work. In Hansville, that we shall take Hansville, and Madison for you. We shall, we should go, we should go, and make disciples. We are taking Hansville, to possess it. Holy Spirit, grant us the strength. Holy Spirit, grant us the wisdom. Show us the way, hold our hands, and lead us, and we will follow, to bring many to you, in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the salvation, of Hansville. We thank you for the rescue. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. We give you praise, Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Jesus. I just want you to be silent, wherever you are right now, and just look up to him. Minister Chase, I just want you to minister a song. I just want you to be quiet, and just let him sing. Or let him minister, he can play the guitar. You just be quiet, in the presence of God. You are before the I am, as he ministered a song. So, just have your focus, just your focus on him.

Oh, yes, Lord.

Oh, yes, Lord. Oh, yes, Lord.

Oh yes Lord Thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus Oh yes Lord

Thank you Lord

Oh yes Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you Thank you Jesus Thank you Lord Thank you Lord Thank you Lord Thank you Lord We just want to invite you to stand with us and we’re going to worship with one more song Thank you so much to Brother Rich for coming and bringing that mighty word for us What a blessing that was Let’s worship together Let’s worship together Yes

Preacher: Richard Qwenorty

Passage: Daniel 3:16-19